
Table of contents

Education / work experience

Apr. 2023–Mar. 2026JSPS Research Fellow (PD) @ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
Apr. 2023–Mar. 2026Part-time lecturer, Center for Promotion of Higher Education Division of Liberal Arts, Kogakuin University, Japan
Mar. 2024–Feb. 2025Visiting researcher, Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Apr. 2021–Mar. 2023JSPS Research Fellow (DC2)
Apr. 2020–Mar. 2023Doctor course, Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Apr. 2018–Mar. 2020Master course, Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Apr. 2016–Mar. 2018Undergraduate course, Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Apr. 2014–Mar. 2016Natural Sciences I, Junior Division, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Apr. 2008–Mar. 2014Private Eiko Gakuen Junior and Senior High School

Refereed (or arXiv) papers

First author

  1. Taniguchi and 13 co-authors (2025), A&A, 693, A163
    MAGIS (Measuring Abundances of red super Giants with Infrared Spectroscopy) project: I. Establishment of an abundance analysis procedure for red supergiants and its evaluation with nearby stars
  2. Taniguchi, Yamazaki, and Uno (2022), Nat. Astron, 6, 930-935
    The Great Dimming of Betelgeuse seen by the Himawari-8 meteorological satellite
  3. Taniguchi and 12 co-authors (2021), MNRAS, 502, 4210-4226
    Effective temperatures of red supergiants estimated from line-depth ratios of iron lines in the YJ bands, 0.97-1.32μm
     Press release: Sensing suns — Astronomers accurately measure the temperature of red supergiant stars
  4. Taniguchi and 9 co-authors (2018), MNRAS, 473, 4993-5001
    Method to estimate the effective temperatures of late-type giants using line-depth ratios in the wavelength range 0.97-1.32 μm
  5. Taniguchi, Okabayashi, and Hotta (2017), Phys. Rev. B, 96, 174104
    Pressure-induced two-step spin crossover in a double-layered elastic model


  1. Yin and 12 co-authors (Taniguchi5th) (2025), Phys. Rev. Lett., 134, 051004
    First Result for Dark Matter Search by WINERED
  2. Funakoshi and 5 co-authors (Taniguchi5th) (2024), MNRAS, 533, 4324-4333
    Clues to growth and disruption of two neighbouring spiral arms of the Milky Way
  3. Elgueta and 14 co-authors (Taniguchi4th) (2024), MNRAS, 532, 3694-3712
    Astrophysical calibration of the oscillator strengths of YJ-band absorption lines in classical Cepheids
  4. Jian and 12 co-authors (Taniguchi6th) (2024), A&A, 687, A189
    Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. Measurement of the He I 10 830 Å line in the open cluster Stock 2
  5. Hamano and 10 co-authors (Taniguchi7th) (2024), PASP, 136, 014504
    WARP: The Data Reduction Pipeline for the WINERED Spectrograph
  6. Matsunaga, Taniguchi2nd, and 15 other co-authors (2023), ApJ, 954, 198
    Metallicities of Classical Cepheids in the Inner Galactic Disk
  7. Ogane and 3 co-authors (Taniguchi3rd) (2022), Open Eur. J. Var. Stars, 233, 1-11
    UBVRI photometry of Betelgeuse over 23 years since 1999
  8. Matsunaga and 30 co-authors (Taniguchi7th) (2022), ApJ, 925, 10
    A Very Metal-poor RR Lyrae Star with a Disk Orbit Found in the Solar Neighborhood
  9. Ikeda and 26 co-authors (Taniguchi26th) (2022), PASP, 134, 015004
    Highly Sensitive, Non-cryogenic NIR High-resolution Spectrograph, WINERED
  10. Matsunaga and 3 co-authors (Taniguchi3rd) (2021), MNRAS, 506, 1031-1044
    Line-depth ratios as indicators of effective temperature and surface gravity
  11. Fukue and 15 co-authors (Taniguchi4th) (2021), ApJ, 913, 62
    Absorption Lines in the 0.91-1.33 μm Spectra of Red Giants for Measuring Abundances of Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, and Ni
  12. Jian, Taniguchi2nd, and 11 other co-authors (2020), MNRAS, 494, 1724-1734
    The effect of surface gravity on line-depth ratios in the wavelength range 0.97-1.32 μm
  13. Matsunaga, Taniguchi2nd, and 14 other co-authors (2020), ApJS, 246, 10
    Identification of Absorption Lines of Heavy Metals in the Wavelength Range 0.97-1.32 μm
  14. Yasui and 14 co-authors (Taniguchi12th) (2019), ApJ, 886, 115
    Possible Progression of Mass-flow Processes around Young Intermediate-mass Stars Based on High-resolution Near-infrared Spectroscopy. I. Taurus
  15. Kondo and 18 co-authors (Taniguchi5th) (2019), ApJ, 875, 129
    Fe I Lines in 0.91-1.33 μm Spectra of Red Giants for Measuring the Microturbulence and Metallicities
  16. Sameshima and 17 co-authors (Taniguchi9th) (2018), PASP, 130, 074502
    Correction of Near-infrared High-resolution Spectra for Telluric Absorption at 0.90-1.35 μm
  17. D'Orazi and 52 co-authors (Taniguchi17th) (2018), ApJ, 855, L9
    On the Chemical Abundances of Miras in Clusters: V1 in the Metal-rich Globular NGC 5927

Proceedings / miscellaneous

First author

  1. Taniguchi and Winered Team (2021), The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), 185
    Unbiased effective temperatures of red supergiants from iron absorption lines
  2. Taniguchi and 5 co-authors (2018), Communicating Astronomy With The Public (CAP) 2018, PB33
    The Activities of Science Station in Japan


  1. Otsubo and 12 co-authors (Taniguchi12th) (2024), Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, 13096, 1309631
    WINERED fully commissioned at the Magellan Clay Telescope
  2. Burgdorf and Taniguchi2nd (2024), IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 6201-6204
    Checking the Radiometric Stability of Infrared Imagers with Venus
  3. Sakai, Taniguchi2nd, and 6 other co-authors (2018), Communicating Astronomy With The Public (CAP) 2018, TS2
    Galaxy School (``Ginga-Gakko'') — The Longest-Established Astronomical Research Experience Program for High School Students in Japan

International conference / seminar presentation

First author

Oral presentation

  1. Taniguchi (2022), AUTONOMOUS SPACE TELESCOPE CONSTELLATIONS workshop, UVOIR Science, Sensors, and Systems I, Day 1 No. 9, Hybrid (Pasadena Convention Center, California, USA), June 11–12 2022
    Using meteorological satellites as "space telescopes": a case study with the Great Dimming of Betelgeuse
  2. Taniguchi (2022), IR2022: An Infrared Bright Future for Ground-based IR Observatories in the Era of JWST, #sci_transients_variables_sne, Day 3 No. 6, Online (JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science/ISAS, Kanagawa, Japan), February 14–18 2022
    Daily monitoring of Betelgeuse with the Himawari-8 meteorological satellite
  3. Taniguchi, Yamazaki, and Uno (2021), European Astronomical Society annual meeting (EAS) 2021, SS22: The Great Dimming of Betelgeuse, No. 1708, Online (Leiden Observatory, Leiden, Netherlands), June 28–July 2 2021
    4 years of 16-bands optical and infrared photometry of Betelgeuse with the Himawari-8 meteorological satellite
  4. Taniguchi and the WINERED team (2021), DELVE: THE DEATH-THROES OF EVOLVED STARS, A VIRTUAL ENCOUNTER, Day 2, No. 8, Online (KU Leuven, Belgium), April 12–16 2021
    Unbiased effective temperatures of red supergiants from iron absorption lines
  5. Taniguchi and 10 co-authors (2018), The Life and Times of the Milky Way - The Symbiosis between Gaia and Ground Based Spectroscopic Survey, Bulge I - Chemistry, structure and kinematics, No. 2, Shanghai Science Hall, Shanghai, China, November 12–16 2018
    Does the Bar-End Region Have Chemical Peculiarity? — NIR Spectroscopy of Red Supergiants around GMC Complex G23.3-0.4

Poster presentation

  1. Taniguchi (2022), Linking the Galactic and Extragalactic — Stellar dynamics and stellar populations of the Milky Way and its siblings, No. 13, Sage Hotel Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia (hybrid), November 28–December 2 2022
    Linking the Galactic and extragalactic chemical abundances using red supergiants
  2. Taniguchi, Yamazaki, and Uno (2022), The 21st Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS21), 3610, Pierre Baudis Convention Centre, Toulouse, France, July 4–9 2022
    Five years of optical and infrared monitoring of Betelgeuse with the Himawari-8 meteorological satellite
  3. Taniguchi and the Winered Team (2022), The 21st Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS21), 3609, Pierre Baudis Convention Centre, Toulouse, France, July 4–9 2022
    Elemental abundances of red supergiants measured with near-infrared high-resolution spectra
  4. Taniguchi and Winered Team (2021), The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), 185, Online, May 2–4 2021
    Unbiased effective temperatures of red supergiants from iron absorption lines
  5. Taniguchi and 5 co-authors (2018), Communicating Astronomy With The Public (CAP) 2018, PB33, Fukuoka City Science Museum, Fukuoka, Japan, March 24–28 2018
    The Activities of Science Station in Japan


  1. Taniguchi (2024), Galactic Archaeology China-Japan Collaboration meeting in December 2024, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, December 16–17 2024
    Prospects for observing red supergiants in M31 with PFS
  2. Taniguchi (2024), GSICS VIS/NIR sub-group Monthly Web Meeting, Online, November 14 2024
    Calibrating the Himawari-8/9 imager using stars
  3. Taniguchi (2022), High angular resolution for astrophysics seminar, Meudon Observatory, Paris, France (hybrid), June 30 2022
    Studies regarding/using red supergiants: the Great Dimming of Betelgeuse, HR diagram, and the Milky Way
  4. Taniguchi (2019), Seminar, National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) Astronomical Observatory of Padova (OAPd), Padova, Italy, May 31 2019
    NIR Spectroscopy of Red Supergiants at around the Galactic Bar-End Region

Public lecture


Oral presentation

  1. Burgdorf and Taniguchi2nd (2024), IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, WE2.R4: Passive Optical Multi- and Hyperspectral Sensors and Calibration, 1, Megaron Athens International Conference Center, Athenes, Greece, July 7–12 2024
    Checking the Radiometric Stability of Infrared Imagers with Venus
  2. Sakai, Taniguchi2nd, and 6 other co-authors (2018), Communicating Astronomy With The Public (CAP) 2018, TS2, Fukuoka City Science Museum, Fukuoka, Japan, March 24–28 2018
    Galaxy School (``Ginga-Gakko'') — The Longest-Established Astronomical Research Experience Program for High School Students in Japan

Poster presentation

  1. Otsubo and 12 co-authors (Taniguchi12th) (2024), SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, SESSION PS1: POSTERS - PERFORMANCE AND RESULTS FROM RECENTLY COMMISSIONED INSTRUMENTS, 13096-112, Pacifico Yokohama North, Yokohama, Japan, June 16–21 2024
    WINERED fully commissioned at the Magellan Clay Telescope
  2. Fukue and 18 co-authors (Taniguchi4th) (2018), The Life and Times of the Milky Way - The Symbiosis between Gaia and Ground Based Spectroscopic Survey, No. 8, Shanghai Science Hall, Shanghai, China, November 12–16 2018
    Measuring Chemical Abundances of Red Giants Using High-Resolution z’YJ -Band Spectra of WINERED

Grants / scholarships


  1. Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (PD) No. 23KJ2149 (2023–2025; 4.2M JPY in total for direct costs; 1.26M JPY in total for indirect costs)
    Metallicity distribution and formation history of nearby galaxies investigated with red supergiants ("赤色超巨星で探る近傍銀河の金属量分布と形成史")
     Principal investigator
  2. Konica Minolta Science and Technology Foundation Konica Minolta Imaging Science Encouragement Award 2021 (Collaborative) (2022–; 1M JPY in total)
    Development of a new field, "Time-domain stellar astrophysics making use of meteorological satellites" ("「気象衛星を活用した時間領域恒星天文学」の創出")
     Principal investicator (Co-investigators: Kazuya Yamazaki, Shinsuke Uno)
  3. Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (DC2) No. 21J11555 (2021–2022; 1.5M JPY in total for direct costs)
    Metallicity distribution in the Milky Way Disk probed with red supergiants ("赤色超巨星を用いた銀河系円盤の二次元金属量分布の解明")
     Principal investigator
  4. Masason Foundation Research support (2018–2022)

Scholarshops / etc.

  1. JSPS Research Fellow (PD) (2023–2025)
  2. JSPS Research Fellow (DC2) (2021–2022)
  3. The University of Tokyo Toyota-Dwango Scholarship for Advanced AI Talents (2021)
  4. The University of Tokyo Toyota-Dwango Scholarship for Advanced AI Talents (2020)
  5. Iwadare Scholarship Foundation (2020)
  6. Japan Student Services Organization (2018–2019)
  7. Masason Foundation (2018–2022)


  1. Doctoral Dissertation Award of Group of Optical and Infrared Astronomers (GOPIRA) on 2023
    Chemical abundances of red supergiants over a large area of the Galactic disk
  2. President's Award of the University of Tokyo and School of Science Research Award in FY2022
    Research on red supergiants and development of an interdisciplinary research field ("赤色超巨星の探究と学際領域の開拓")
  3. 13th JSPS Ikushi Prize
    Research on red supergiants: time variability, evolutionary track, and application to studies on the Milky Way
  4. 51st Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics in 2021 First Prize of the Oral Award in the Sun and Star Session
    The mystery of the Great Dimming of Betelgeuse revealed by the Himawari meteorological satellite ("ひまわり衛星が明かすベテルギウスの大減光の謎")
  5. 48th Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics in 2018 First Prize of the Oral Award in the Sun and Star Session
    Determining the effective temeraptures of late-type giants using line-depth ratios in the Y, J bands with the near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph WINERED ("近赤外線高分散分光器WINEREDを用いたY, Jバンドのライン強度比からの晩期型巨星有効温度の決定")

Teaching experience / outreach


  1. "Laboratory Experiment in Physics" at Center for Promotion of Higher Education, Division of Liberal Arts, Kogakuin University in 2023 (Part-time lecturer)

Teaching assistant

  1. "Laboratory Experiment in Astronomy" at the Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo in 2021
  2. "Laboratory Experiment in Astronomy" at the Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo in 2020
  3. "Topical Study in Astronomy and Astrophysics" at the Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo in the autumn semester of 2020
  4. "Laboratory Experiment in Astronomy" at the Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo in the summer semester of 2019
  5. "Laboratory Experiment in Astronomy" at the Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo in the summer semester of 2018


  1. Galaxy School 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Teaching assistant
  2. Galaxy School 2024 Teacher
  3. Nonprofit Organization Science Station member (head of Core Working Group in 2017; sub head of Core Working Group in 2015, 2016, 2018)
    1. Lecturer of the school visit at Shimane Prefectural Matsue Kita High School in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019
    2. Speaker of Science Cafe in Matsue in 2018, 2019
    3. Lecturer of the school visit at Kochi Prefectural Kochi Otemae High School in 2019
  4. Staff of NAOJ Mitala Stargazing in 2016, 2017
  5. And many others...